Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Fall of Political Parties and the Rise of International Societies

Here's a prediction that may soon come to pass, political parties in the traditional sense will fall into obscurity and obsolescence to be replaced by international societies. Why is this? Because political parties function in theory to serve a local constituency. Local being perhaps a county, a state, or a nation. They are lead top down, a head of some sort prescribes an ideology which disseminates down the chain to the average person dictating what the parties theory on the best way to live. As the world becomes globalized and increasingly connected concepts of geographical identity are slowly disappearing. Where as some one may have once considered them selves first and foremost American they may now consider there most defining trait to be in example a musician. They communicate with an international society of musicians facilitated by the internet. Where you are is becoming less important then what you do. As these societies grow they will gather more influence then territorially based political parties.

The best example I can think of to illustrate this point is the Pirate Party. If you don't know what the Pirate Party is, its an international political party which grew out of the internet. Its not based on local concepts such as what should we do with the local park or how best to use the silver mine across the hill but on a idea which is arguably that information should be free (the end of copyright for example). A more sinister example of this sort of new international non localized power is Al-Qaeda. They too exist outside of territorial bounds and seek to push there agenda and ideology internationally. These groups do not have any territory but the effect of there political power is plain to see.

If these international societies and organizations do not some day completely replace traditional political parties as the global government then they will at least have some say in steering the traditional parties. Its already happening in America as the Tea Party already steers the Republicans agenda and the Occupy Movement is poised to steer the Democratic agenda (if not spawning a powerful independent movement).

tl:dr: The future belongs to international consortium of people with similar view points coalescing on the internet and influencing traditional parties. Its quantum politics.

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